Sunday, April 15, 2007

What do you think about thinking?

Thinking is the most fundamental skill and where we lack because of lack of any training at school. Well this the premise on which Edward De Bono writes an amazing book on "Teach Yourself to Think"

The book puts forward a mightily detailed framework for thinking. And I thought you don't have to do anything to think!! The five stage thinking process are TO, LO, PO, SO, GO and the details is as under:
  1. TO stage: The objective of thinking. Where do I want to end up.
  2. LO stage: Current situation, information available and required.
  3. PO stage: The possibilities, alternatives, new ideas.
  4. SO stage: So what? choosing among the possibilities.
  5. GO stage: Going ahead and implementing.

Looks easy. Wait till you get to the book which has amazing details on all the stages. That's when you go crazy about thinking!!

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