Thursday, October 19, 2006

Top ten reasons why businesses fail

Here's an honest article on business failures by Bart Saxey and I reproduce it verbatim.
Let me be perfectly honest with you, there is no such thing as something for nothing, but you already knew that didn't you. Then why are there so many home based business and success programs being sold by way of TV info-commercials, ads in magazines, newspapers, and the especially the Internet? I personally think that we would all like to think that there is a shortcut to success but deep inside we all know that is success is earned. 

Success would not be success if you could simply purchase a home based business system for $49.95 that is completely automated and all you do is collect the money, yet I have personally seen thousands of internet sites and info commercials claiming they have a fully automated system, plug in and you will be wealthy by just paying your $49.95, presto you're an instant success, no real efforts required, they even guarantee it. 

People are purchasing these programs every day and they are disappointed everyday. I will even admit to you that I have purchased these programs and had them piled up in my drawer (anybody else?). 

What I am saying that focused and leveraged efforts are "key" to success. Let's compare a home based business with a weight loss program. Weight loss programs are everywhere and they range from real programs that teach the truth, which is healthy eating and exercise are required to get any real results, to magic weight lose plans that all you do is take a pill and you are magically transformed with no effort. 

Read the full story here. Here are some pointers:
  1. Not Understanding Capital & ROI
  2. Listening To The Wrong People
  3. Marketing, Marketing and Marketing
  4. Poor Environment Management
  5. Having A Closed Mind
  6. Poor Product or Service Selection
  7. Fear of Rejection
  8. No Leverage
  9. Inadequate Planning
  10. In conclusion

We want to make sure you have the knowledge and information, to you make these important decisions. Our Mission is to provide all the support and resources you require to assist you in making an intelligent decision about the perfect business opportunity for you.

If there you are looking for that perfect business and do not currently have one, and what you've learned makes sense then revisit our site for further information, or e-mail us at

The Ultimate Success System Team


PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH:  This business article may be republished in its entirety free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears with the included copyright and author's resource box with live website link.

Courtesy of: : For All Your Internet Business Needs

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