The Diwali festival celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over darkness, and knowledge over ignorance, although the actual legends that go with the festival are different in different parts of India.
In a recent editorial, the Times of India summed up the modern meaning of Diwali:"Regardless of the mythological explanation one prefers, what the festival of lights really stands for today is a reaffirmation of hope, a renewed commitment to friendship and goodwill, and a religiously sanctioned celebration of the simple — and some not so simple — joys of life."
In olden days Diwali also marked the beginning of a financial year. Stock exchanges in India celebrate Diwali as a "muhurat" day: a beginning for the new year!
Happy diwali to you too.
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Today’s the 'Festival of Lights’ all o’er;A joyful day
for minds and hearts and souls;And people throng the Temples to offer, Prayers, resolving to take better roles.
And most of them are richly clad and clean,And eat such dainty foods and sweets with mirth;Whilst noisy crackers burst,
their lights are seen,It seems to be a happy day on Earth!But are there not hearts woe-filled, very sad?Denied of laughter,
smiles for days;Today’s the triumph of Good over bad;
But what about the wastage in much ways?
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