Friday, October 6, 2006

My 25th log: The Why and What.

Hey, less than a month since I've become a blogger and it's my silver jubilee entry! I'm patting my back for being one of the fastest(25) blogger on the block though I don't know it's bragging or a fact. (Feedback from professional bloggers will help)

My leave from office 'cause of my back problem has definitely helped the cause. Though I'm beginning to enjoy this medium and aim at being a professional blogger!

If I have to continue this blog, it's time I articulated the "Why" of it. Here are some thoughts.

Patanjali, a great Indian sage says, " When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all of your thoughts break their bonds, your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be".

Not doing anything and letting it all happen is another philosophy. The Tao's theory. Wei Wu Wei:Action Without ActionHas anyone ever told you: "Just act natural"? It's impossible of course. If you're acting, it can't be natural.

Where do I stand in between? I have more than 16 years of work experience in Insurance, Home Finance and Investment industry. Though I've been a reluctant marketer and a disorganised manager, I've been credited for contributing to my organisation in Marketing as well as administration. Whatever good has happened because of my analytical abilities, love for technology and ability to communicate (especially written)with Sales people. Maybe that's the reason I've created this blog which uses my knowledge, communication ability and love for technology!

I also believe that information leads to knowledge and knowledge is power.

Before I appear too knowledgeable let me put a disclaimer that the blog may not be treated as financial advice. Take responsibility for yr self.

Now the "What" part. Since you are reading this you already know the title. Maybe it is too much to keep Personal finance and Business finance together. But this gives me a lot of topics and more time before getting into a "blogger's block". Unless I cross 100 odd logs, I wd not think of bifurcating them. I also put in some interesting stuff which I really want to share without being a spammer.

I will attempt to put a link to the financial scene in India. I think that there is a lot of difference in the level of the markets geographically. For example the credit score in India is just taking off while in US it is indispensable for any credit.

I will attempt to chronicle the development and promotion of standards for Financial Planning to benefit the general public in the country. I will also make an effort to explain financial management for businesses in simple language (Finance for non finance executives: FFNFE)

I have also provided a download link where I will give links to Financial tools, software and presentations. I have created a page for
downloads too. The readers can access my "blogosphere", "links", "archives" too.

Have created a Google group where anyone can join and get updates and participate. Mail here

My target audience are the Students and non finance executives.

I wd love to have some feedback here so that I can update this log regularly. Wish me Godspeed!

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