Friday, September 28, 2007

Social Activists invite Court Contempt Charges

Mint reports: A group of 26 social activists, including Magsaysay awardee Arvind Kejriwal, have filed an application before the Supreme Court requesting that they be included as "parties" in the appeal filed by Mid Day saying that they too have reitirated whatever has been written by Mid Day
The Delhi High Court has convicted the Editor and three others of Mid Day for contempt of court after they published articles against former Chief Justice of India Shri Y K Sabharwal
I am concerned that the High Court verdict is an attack on the freedom of speech against any misconduct of the judiciary.
Update: I saw the print version in Mint. The link has been given by Melody from The Hindu


Melody said...

Share your concerns Ranjan.

Check this link to 'The Hindu' which carries excerpts from the statement.

Incidentally, completely off the topic, the word verification I have to type in is "meloo", how cute is that??!

Unknown said...

Maybe they wanted to say hi to Melody, but lost the plot midway! :)