It's good to be back to blogging after a long vacation. And what a cool way! The Bombay Bloggers had a Pg3 bash and there I was!!. And though I'm incorrigibly reclusive, inarticulate and an introvert, I did have a good time there.
I was also hoping to meet Amit Varma and I was not disappointed. The decibel level of the party hardly allowed us a decent discussion and was thrilled to get his email sent at 3.47 am in the night. Hope to meet up with him again soon amidst quieter surroundings. 

It was a pleasure meeting Gaurav, Roshan, Jigar, Moksh and other bloggers. The party had just begun to rock when I had to move on. You can see the pictures at Melody's blog and Sakshi's blog. Melody has posted this one on her blog where I'm with Amit Varma and Mohit.

I'm happy to be back blogging.
Hey Ranjan, am SO glad you came (I told you, was really looking fwd to meeting you) - and am even happier you enjoyed yourself.
PS: Next time with the Mrs!
Hey...did'nt get to talk with ya but glad to know you had fun.
Take care,
Hey Ranjan,
Did get a chance to talk to you but there is always a next time.
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