Sunday, March 4, 2007

Happy Holi To You: LAGE RAHO to me!

होली मुबारक हॊ

Wishing you a very happy and colorful Holi!

होली ऎसा त्यॊहार है जब हम सारे गम भुल कर रन्गॊ मे दूब जाते है.

यह मेरे लिये एक मॊका है जब मै अपने बुरी आदते हॊलिका अग्नि को समर्पित कर दू . मेरा मन्त्र :


L stands for a demon called Lust
stands for a demon called Anger
stands for a demon called Greed
stands for my Ego

endeavour to Replace them
A attempt to Anticipate them
H is to Honour them
O is to be able to Order them out!

I have tried this earlier too. Hope I get lucky this time!!

Investing Gyan
Reviews, Tips, Calculators with an Indian perspective.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a very happy holi to you as well.