Good friend Manish Chauhan who writes a blog on creating awareness among Indian investors on the importance of personal finance has a thoughtful post on the Four Pillars of Success for a Strong Portfolio. Manish Chauhan is a Software Engineer by profession and investing freak by heart
Everyone wants a super cool portfolio. (Somehow I’m reminded of the proverb: If wishes were horses, beggars would ride) Thre is a thought process to achieve a good and strong portfolio or atleast to get you started on the journey.
Manish writes:
There are some good traits of portfolio which makes it better than others . A good and strong portfolio has some strong elements or parameters which it must meet . These are the Pillars for a strong Portfolio or Investments.
1. Capital Appreciation
2. Liquidity
3. Risk Management
4. Goal Oriented
See the full post at Manish's Blog
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