Saturday, September 30, 2006

Eight principles of strategic wealth management

Here is a useful article from Wharton. Click here to read the full article

The gist of the article is :
The Eight Principles of Strategic Wealth Management are
1. Take charge and do it early.
2. Align family and business interests around wealth-building goals and strategies.
3. Create a culture of accountability.
4. Capitalize on your family's combined resources.
5. Delegate, empower, and respect independence.
6. Diversify but focus.
7. Err on the side of simplicity where possible.
8. Develop future family leaders with strong wealth management skills.
Every decision I make, whether it involves choosing an investment manager, thinking about tax strategy, or working with my family to set goals for next year, gets filtered through these principles.
Stuart E. Lucas. His book: Wealth: Grow it, Protect it, Spend it and Share it is published by Wharton School Publishing

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